
Hi there! My name is Martin Dybdal. I have a background in computer science, with focus on programming language research, as well as computer science education.

As a leader, I aim to plan ahead, resolve conflicts quickly, connect people across my network to form new collaborations and relations, create positive habits, as habits and tight social bonds provide stability to an organization. My experience as leader is mainly from the volunteer organization Coding Pirates where I chair the board covering Copenhagen (12 chapters, 80+ volunteers).

As a teacher I’m focused on student engagement, student self-monitoring, collaboration, creativity, and making sure students build confidence in themselves, to limit impostor syndrome. In addition to the below teaching activities, I have also co-supervised various bachelor and master level projects.

As a programming language researcher I have been involved in projects on topics such as functional parallel programming, GPU programming, functional reactive programming for embedded systems, probabilistic programming languages, and contract specification languages.

Teaching experience

Coding Pirates volunteer

Coding Pirates

  • Teaching programming to 7-15 year old kids
  • Coaching volunteer teachers
  • Organizing hackathons
  • Experiences learned are now used on University of Copenhagen’s introduction to programming courses for both Computer Science and Communication and IT (e.g. use of “faded worked examples”)

Lecturer, Introduction to Programming course

University of Copenhagen

  • 180 students, lecturing 50% of the course lecture hours
  • Preparation of weekly exercises and assignments
  • Preparation and correction of written exam, oral re-examination

Teaching assistant

University of Copenhagen

  • Courses: Functional Programming, Introduction to Programming, Introduction to Algorithms, Advanced Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Functional Parallel Programming
  • Responsibilities: Exercise classes, correcting assignments, office hours, correcting exams, oral trial exams.


See publication list on Google Scholar.


CourseViz - Data visualization of University of Copenhagen course statistics. Awesome when you oversee a 200 person course.
FCL - Functional GPU programming language with explicit control of GPU memory hiearchy.
APL2TAIL - APL compiler based on a modern typed functional array language. Co-authored with my Ph.D. supervisor Martin Elsman.
Fladuino - Functional reactive programming language for Arduino architectures.

Committees and volunteer work

Board member

Coding Pirates Denmark


Coding Pirates Copenhagen


Coding Pirates Copenhagen

Head of chapter

2015-2017, 2018-present
Coding Pirates DIKU

Ph.D. representative in DIKU Department Council


Volunteer bartender, ticket sales etc.

Copenhagen Jazzhouse

Member of DIKU student council

University of Copenhagen


Dikutal, Student webportal for Computer Science students


SCIENCE Dissemination Award 2016

Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, for my work with Coding Pirates

DIKU Dissemination Award 2015

Department of Computer Science, for my work with Coding Pirates